
Pro Indie Starter

Built for indie hackers who want to iterate quickly and launch their product without overthinking. For styling Shadcn is used for more flexibility and customization.


What's included

  • UI setup: included Tailwind, shadcn/ui, and dark mode
  • Pre-built UI: landing page, legal pages, and auth components
  • Backend setup: included authentication, protected routes, payment setup and email integration
  • SEO setup: included metadata, seo tags, and opengraph images

Tech stack

Next.js v14, Supabase, React v18, Typescript v5.4, Tailwind v3, shadcn, Resend

Save +32 hours on each project

Frontend Indie Starter

Similar to the pro version but without backend setup. Best for indie hackers who want to use different backend setup.


What's included

  • UI setup: included Tailwind, shadcn/ui, and dark mode
  • Pre-built UI: landing page, legal pages, and auth components
  • SEO setup: included metadata, seo tags, and opengraph images

Tech stack

Next.js v14, React v18, Typescript v5.4, Tailwind v3, shadcn

Save +12 hours on each project

Directory Starter

Get ready to cash in by showcasing amazing stuff. Setup project, add your data, and you're ready to go!


What's included

  • All features from the pro plan boilerplate
  • Form for updating, deleting, and adding new products
  • Blog section for articles and SEO
  • Email notifications
  • Filter by category
  • Voting system

Use cases

  • Powerful tools and apps showcase
  • Local business directory
  • Resource hub for online courses and newsletters
  • Listing platform for products, apps, and services
  • Product Hunt clone
  • Unleash your creativity!

Tech stack

Next.js v14, Supabase, React v18, Typescript v5.4, Tailwind v3, shadcn, Resend

Save +47 hours on each project